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Blood Donation

Giving blood saves lives. The blood you give is a lifeline in an emergency and for people who need long-term treatments.

Why do we need you to give blood?

We need new blood donors from all backgrounds to ensure there is the right blood available for patients who need it.

We need:

  • Nearly 400 new donors a day to meet demand
  • Around 135,000 new donors a year to replace those who can no longer donate
  • 40,000 more black donors to meet growing demand for better-matched blood
  • 30,000 new donors with priority blood types such as O negative every year
  • More young people to start giving blood so we can make sure we have enough blood in the future

How is blood used?

Donated blood or components are given to a patient in a blood transfusion. Blood transfusions are given via an intravenous line into a blood vessel.

Around two thirds of the blood donated in England is used to treat medical conditions including anaemia, cancer, and blood disorders

Nearly a third is used in surgery and emergencies including childbirth

Usage varies between hospitals depending on their specialties.

We work closely with hospitals to make sure valuable blood donations are used appropriately.

The demand for blood from hospitals has fallen due to increased efficiency, but new donors are always needed to make sure there is enough blood to treat those who need it.

Blood can be vital for people with medical conditions or who are having surgery. But blood transfusions can also improve the quality of life for people whose illness has no cure.

For more information, go to Home – NHS Blood Donation