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GP Training

This practice has a commitment to medical education and assists in the teaching of medical students from King’s College Hospital.

From time to time, medical students may observe the doctor or nurse whilst they are consulting with patients. Also, final year students will conduct their own consultations with patients, under the supervision of a doctor. Patients will be advised about this when they attend for their appointment and asked whether they consent to being seen by a medical student or have a medical student present during the consultation.

If any patient does not wish to be seen by a medical student or have a medical student present, they have the right to refuse. Likewise, if a patient has agreed to the presence of a medical student but during the consultation decides that they are no longer comfortable with this situation, the medical student may be asked to leave the room.

Medical students are committed to patient confidentiality but do understand that some patients may consider their presence to be undesirable. 

The doctors at this practice encourage patients to consider having a medical student present as this provides valuable experience to the student doctor and helps to ensure that newly qualified doctors have received the best possible training.